I am currently doing a Data Engineering learnership at the Umuzi Academy in Johannesburg. I choose to pursue Data Engineering as my career path because I have a passion for working with data infrastructure, solving technical challenges, and contributing to data-driven decision-making. The combination of technical expertise, continuous learning, and the potential for making a meaningful impact in various industries makes data engineering an exciting and fulfilling choice for me.

  • Data Engineering

    Designing, building, and maintaining data infrastructure and pipelines.

  • What I use:
    • PYTHON
    • SQL
    • CSS
    • HTML
  • March 2021 - Current

    Bsc Computing at University of South Africa.
    Skills: C++, Python Programming, JavaScript, SQL and Database development.

  • Nov 2022 - Current

    Data Engineering Learner at Umuzi Academy:
    I have learnt Python programming and OOP, Test-Driven Development and Unit-Testing, Git, Agile methodologies and Human-centered design thinking.

  • April 2023 - Current

    Data Engineer Recruit at Umuzi Academy.

  • Relevant CourseWork:

    • Test-driven development and Unit-Testing,
    • Python programming and OOP,
    • Database Development,
    • API Basics,
    • Git - Version control.


Bank account OOP - Python

This project creates a bank and different bank accounts that calculate monthly interest earnings depending on the interest rates that were assigned to each account.

Shop cart calculations file-system (I/O)

The project involves analyzing and retrieving data from shopping cart records stored in JSON format. It calculates total spending, identifies top customers, and determines the required stock for delivery.

Data wrangling

This project utilizes a notebook to process data, specifically handling rows and columns of data frames from the personality scores dataset. Its primary objective is to identify high-risk applicants in the departments they have applied for.

Consume GitHub API with some tests

This project retrieves a filtered list of pull requests from a specified GitHub repository. Users can input the owner, repository name, start date, and end date to obtain relevant PR data.

Shop Database using sql

This project encompasses SQL scripts to create a shop database, define tables for customers, employees, products, orders, and payments, and insert sample records. It encompasses various SQL operations performed across different tables.

Database migrations with SQLAlchemy

This project employs SQLAlchemy and Alembic to manage the production database, focusing on learner attributes. Various scenarios are explored, each representing a different situation for modifying the database.

Flask That Interact With Actual Database Python

This Flask application manages a company's computer inventory with a table named 'Computer' and its corresponding properties. The API supports CRUD operations through well-named URLs and handles data in JSON format.

RabbitMQ Tutorials project

The project covers tutorials on topics derived from the first six official tutorials of the RabbitMQ documentation.
These topics include message queuing, work queues, publish/subscribe, routing, topics, and RPC (Remote Procedure Call)

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